Train in a few days for professions that are recruiting

FITIT: A space that trains you for the most in-demand professions in 2023

Would you like to learn more about the latest Cloud and IT technologies but don’t know where to start? 
Our online training courses guide you, step by step, and allow you to acquire new skills quickly and at a lower cost. 

Training videos available 24/7 wherever you are

Our training videos are created by qualified and highly qualified professionals. People who know how to demonstrate professionalism and humor . The ideal combo for both technical and fun training.

Our library of training videos is extensive. There you will find courses on technologies like Cloud, Citrix, Windows Server, Vmware and more. Whether you are a beginner in the world of IT or a proven geek, you will find what you are looking for. 
We can make you a web developer, an Azure administrator or a Powershell manager. In other words: we reveal to you all the secrets that will make you a unique person on the job market. 
The advantage of online training? Once you have purchased the training video, you can watch it whenever you want and as many times as you want. Like a book, which you can read and consult at your convenience. A valuable resource to refer to at any time. 
And if French is not your first language or you want to share these training courses with your English-speaking friends, we also provide training in English.
Our training in the form of videos.

Dynamic and interactive virtual classes

Do you prefer to learn in a group rather than training alone? Are you the type to ask questions and learn from group interactions? Our virtual classes are made for you!

Just like in-person conferences or training, our virtual classes are made up of a trainer and participants. The only equipment needed: a computer, a webcam and headphones. 

The process is simple: you pay to be able to participate in the class and you log in at the specified time. We chose several technologies (Teams, Zoom, Google Meet)

What if you missed a class or want to see it again? This is possible thanks to our replay service. All lessons are recorded and will be made available to you. You are therefore in control and can train on the subject of your choice, wherever you are and as many times as you want. 

The advantage of online classes: their competitive price. Our training courses are 70% cheaper than market prices. We are proud to be able to offer quality content to as many people as possible.

Online classes also give you the opportunity to learn, while exchanging and sharing. The opportunity to build relationships and share your skills with others with common interests. In short: all the advantages of face-to-face training, with more flexibility and practicality. 

Learn and validate your skills with menti.com

Our offer does not stop at training. We want to ensure that you understand the training. You will be able to validate your knowledge by answering a quiz on the subject previously studied. 
An ideal solution for support from A to Z. 

Our team


Creator Fitit.tech

Fabrice is the founder of the platform. Passionate for 20 years, he likes to share his knowledge. And it shows !




Modern Workplace trainer, specialized in Microsoft cloud technologies: EM + S (Enterprise Mobility + Security), Office 365.



Ludovic specializes in Microsoft collaborative work tools. He obtained certifications on the ITIL and Office 365 standards!


Staf (digital content)

Léo takes care of the site, trainer and customer relations. He manages the content and takes care of the relationship with the teachers!



He is the specialist in Web Development courses. He likes to share, exchange and transmit his knowledge



Alibek is a Microsoft MVP Artificial Intelligence and Data Scientist. He is the hoop of new technologies!

Join a community of IT enthusiasts

FITIT is much more than an online training platform. It is a community of people who share a common passion for computing . The desire to learn more for some and the pleasure of teaching for others.

We are constantly looking for new qualified teachers and trainers to work with us. People who would like to get involved in the short, medium or long term in IT training.
Our platform allows you to earn money per given training or class. You can create content in two different ways: by creating training videos or by teaching online courses.
Our platform offers training on all types of content related to the IT sector: technologies like the Cloud, Citrix, Windows Server, Vmware and much more.
Some of our trainers are tasked with creating training in video format and are rewarded for their work. They thus receive 45% of the price of the training. 

For the trainer , this format is particularly appreciated for its simplicity. Once recorded, the training does not need to be repeated.

It will be online and can be consulted unlimitedly by all Fluctuationit customers. This is an ideal format for people who want to purchase the course and watch and study at their convenience. 

Our trainers are paid for their technical and didactic skills . Their profiles are rich and diverse, as are the subjects covered in the training. It is a space open to all, where the thirst for learning, teaching and good humor reign in harmony.

Come join us!
Please send an email to Léo